what is nodular acne

Nodular Acne

Everyone experiences at least some acne during their lifetime, but not all acne is the same. Minor acne such as blackheads, whiteheads and pimples, is easy to treat with over the counter skin treatments. The more painful form of acne is nodular acne.

What Causes Acne?

Acne has three main contributing causes: the body’s overproduction of sebum, the shedding of dead skin cells, and a build-up of bacteria.

Sebum is an oil your body naturally produces to moisturize your hair and skin. Teenagers have more of problem with acne because an increase in their hormones causes their bodies to produce too much sebum.

Your body is constantly shedding dead skin cells, but occasionally the hair follicle, that is supposed to release the sebum, becomes clogged with dead skin cells. This forms a plug that traps the sebum in your skin.

With the sebum stuck in the follicle bacteria gather and feed on the sebum. Once it becomes inflamed it causes a pimple.

What is Nodular Acne?

Nodular acne is different than mild acne. Acne nodules appear on the skin as big, hard bumps that can be very painful when touched. The same process that forms mild acne is taking place, but the blockage is deep underneath the skin rather than on the surface. With nodular acne, there is a greater chance of lifelong scarring because it is deeper in the skin. Without proper treatment, nodular acne can takes weeks to heal.

What Should You Do About Nodular Acne?

You should seek treatment immediately from a dermatologist. Since nodular acne forms deep in the skin, over the counter acne treatments will not work because they are designed to only treat the surface of the skin. A dermatologist can prescribe you the proper medication for your skin to get rid of your acne for good.

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